You are encouraged to share your thoughts as they relate to the post and topic being discussed on goCAMPUSing’s Social Media Platforms. We expect comments generally to be courteous & honest. If you disagree with a post, don’t be rude about it. To ensure everyone’s voice is valued, we take great care to allow different views and beliefs, especially from people and communities that might otherwise be overlooked or marginalized. To that end of promoting and maintaining community standards, all comments are reviewed according to the following guidelines. Comments must be relevant and on topic with the “original goCAMPUSing post”. Our social media presence is intended to inform and foster meaningful and genuine interactions.


In keeping with these guidelines, we reserve the right & discretion to remove comments that:


–  Contain false, obscene, indecent, or profane language;

–  Contain threats or defamatory statements;

–  Contain personal attacks or insulting statements directed toward a group or an individual;

–  Contain hate speech directed at race, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, ethnicity, age, religion, or disability;

–  Promote or endorse services or products;

–  Contain a link to an outside website or social media site;

–  Are unrelated to the topic posted; being discussed;

–  Are of a repetitive or “spamming” nature (the same comment posted multiple times).


Thank you for your understanding & cooperation.


Social Media Team

goCAMPUSing, Inc.